General All Permutations - Backtracking / Additional States

Agreed, thanks for sharing.

C# Solution
private static void dfs(List path, bool[] used, List res, char[] letters) {
if (path.Count == used.Length) {
for (int i = 0; i < used.Length; i++) {
// skip used letters
if (used[i])
// add letter to permutation, mark letter as used
used[i] = true;
dfs(path, used, res, letters);
// remove letter from permutation, mark letter as unused
path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);
used[i] = false;

public static List<string> Permutations(string s)
    var letters = s.ToCharArray();
    var res = new List<string>();
    dfs(new List<char>(), new bool[letters.Length], res, letters);
    return res;

A better (and less verbose) backtracking algorithm will be just thinking how we are do this manually: replacing letters one-by-one - rather than thinking of a tree … With that said, lets take a look on the following:
def permutations(letters: str) → List[str]:
def _dfs(idx=0):
if idx == len(letters):
for i in range(idx, len(letters)):
letters[i], letters[idx] = letters[idx], letters[i]
# backtrack
letters[idx], letters[i] = letters[i], letters[idx]

letters = list(letters)
ret = []
return ret

Can someone explain why do we mark the same used index back to false again? Shouldn’t it be put in used only as it is indeed used. I also do not understand why we need to delete the last element of the path?

If we look at the state-space tree, we have n! leafs, and there are n nodes to each leaf, n being number of letters. Although some nodes are used multiple times (a, b, c in this example), complexity still grows at n*n! rate. At each leaf, we copy path (string of n letters) to result. With longer strings it takes longer to copy paths to result, at rate of n.

In the end, the complexity should be O(nnn!) = O(n^2 * n!), right?

Another C# solution, this one using yield pattern

public static List<string> Permutations(string letters)
    return new List<string>(PermutationsDFS(letters, new bool[letters.Length]));

public static IEnumerable<string> PermutationsDFS(string letters, bool[] used)
    for (int i = 0; i < letters.Length; i++)
        if (!used[i])
            used[i] = true;
            bool hasPermutations = false;

            foreach (var permutation in PermutationsDFS(letters, used))
                yield return letters[i].ToString() + permutation;
                hasPermutations = true;

                yield return letters[i].ToString();
            used[i] = false;

A shorter python solution that doesn’t need an additional “used” boolean. Because all the letters in the “letters” string are unique, we can do dfs on a substring of the original letters.

def permutations(letters: str) → List[str]:
def dfs(letters:str,letter_path:List[str],final_list:List[str]):
if len(letters) == 0:

    for letter in letters:
        new_letters = letters.replace(letter, '') #eliminate the char I already used
        dfs(new_letters, letter_path + [letter], final_list)
    return final_list
final_list = []
return dfs(letters, [], final_list)

this should be a valid solution, right?

def permutations(letters: str) → List[str]:
letters = list(letters)
result = []

def dfs(index):
    if index == len(letters):
    for j in range(index, len(letters)):
        letters[index], letters[j] = letters[j], letters[index]
        dfs(index + 1)
        letters[index], letters[j] = letters[j], letters[index]


return result

With globals - easier to reason about for me

def permutations(letters: str) -> List[str]:
    def dfs(letter):
        #  we can *add* all letters, except those already used and the current one
        #  set construction could be extra cost?
        remaining = set(letters) - set(used) - set(letter)
        # base case - no more letters left, path is complete, record and return
        if remaining == set():
            res.append(''.join(used + [letter]))
        # otherwise - lock in `letter`, and recurse on all remaining
        for i in remaining:
    # globals for result list, but also for used, so we don't create a copy every time
    res = []
    used = []
    return res
public static List<String> permutations(String letters) {
        List<String> result = new ArrayList();
        dfs(result,new StringBuilder(letters),new StringBuilder());
        return result;
    private static void dfs(List<String> result, StringBuilder letters, StringBuilder current){
        if(letters.length() == 0){
        for(int i = 0; i < letters.length(); i++){
            char c = letters.charAt(i);
            dfs(result,new StringBuilder(letters),current);
            current.deleteCharAt(current.length() - 1);
            letters.insert(0, c);

Structured Programming JS Solution:

function permutations(letters) {
    const arr = letters.split("");
    return getPermutations(arr);

function getPermutations(letters) {
    let results = [];

    if (letters.length > 1) {
        for (const letter of letters) {
            const remaining = letters.filter((a) => a != letter);
            const combinations = getPermutations(remaining);
            combinations.forEach((combo) => results.push(`${letter}${combo}`));
    } else {
    return results;

Short Python Solution

def permutations(letters: str) -> List[str]:
    ret = []
    def dfs(l, combo):
        if not l:
        for i in range(len(l)):
            dfs(l[:i]+l[i+1:], combo+l[i])

    dfs(letters, "")
    return ret

backtracking solution is much simpler than the DFS though it may be less intuitive:

function permutations(letters) {
    const chars = Array.from(letters);
    const results = [];
    const backtrack = (f = 0) => {
        if (f === letters.length) results.push(chars.join(''));
        for (let i = f; i < letters.length; i++) {
            [chars[i], chars[f]] = [chars[f], chars[i]];
            backtrack(f + 1);
            [chars[i], chars[f]] = [chars[f], chars[i]];
    return results;

Although it is ‘technically’ a bit less efficient, I wrote a very short python solution:

def permutations(letters: str) -> List[str]:
    result = []
    def backtrack(bag, path):
        if bag == []:
            for index, letter in enumerate(bag):
                backtrack(bag[:index] + bag[index + 1:], path + letter)
    backtrack(list(letters), '')
    return result

Typo: ‘recurive’

s/General All Permutations/Generate All Permutations

My Solution using the “Backtracking - Additional States” template

public static List<String> permutations(String letters) {
    // Shashi:
    List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
    Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();
    Set<Character> set = new HashSet<>();
    dfs(letters, stack, set, result);
    return result;

// Shashi:
public static void dfs (String letters, Stack<String> stack, Set<Character> set, List<String> result) {
    if (stack.size() == letters.length()) {
        result.add(String.join("", stack));
    for (char c : letters.toCharArray()) {
        // pruning
        if (set.contains(c)) continue;
        // Update Additional States
        dfs(letters, stack, set, result);
        // Revert Additional States
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Since we are joining n! paths that are n items long (during the base case), shouldn’t the time complexity be O(n! * n)?

I think the title of this chapter should be, “Generate All Permutations,” not General. Also, here’s my simplified version of the Java solution: as in my previous solutions, I pass a string into dfs instead of a List<String> – this simplifies the concatenation logic; removing letters as I use them means that I can skip the used[] param.

import java.util.ArrayList;

class Solution {
    private static void dfs(String letters, int numLetters, String path, List<String> result) {
        if (path.length() == numLetters) {
        int len = letters.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            dfs(letters.substring(0, i) + letters.substring(i+1, len), numLetters, path + letters.charAt(i), result);
    public static List<String> permutations(String letters) {
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
        dfs(letters, letters.length(), "", result);
        return result;

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Here’s what I managed to come up with:

from typing import List

def permutations(letters: str) -> List[str]:
    def get_edges(letter, cur_edges):
        return cur_edges.replace(letter, '', 1)
    def dfs(level, path, ans, cur_edges):
        if level == len(letters):
        for letter in cur_edges:
            dfs(level + 1, path, ans, get_edges(letter, cur_edges))
    ans = []
    dfs(0, [], ans, letters)
    return ans