I think it should also be noted in the problem that p and q are guaranteed to be in the tree. In general, I think this more general case should be presented. It’s obviously up to us to clarify with interviewer, but if they say p/q aren’t guaranteed to be in tree, then most folks won’t know how to do that based on the current solution.
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Maybe this is simpler to understand,
public static List<Integer> getPath(Node<Integer> bst, int val, ArrayList<Integer> res){
if(bst == null){
return new ArrayList<Integer>();
else if(bst.val == val){
return res;
else if(bst.val< val){
return getPath(bst.right,val,res);
return getPath(bst.left,val,res);
public static Integer lcaOnBst(Node<Integer> bst, int p, int q) {
// do path of p , path of q
// logn + logn
// find the common ones, and take the least? (N, where N= O(2 * height of tree))
List<Integer> pathp=getPath(bst, p,new ArrayList<Integer>());
List<Integer> pathq=getPath(bst,q,new ArrayList<Integer>());
// find the min common, least common integer/parent
if(pathp.isEmpty() || pathq.isEmpty()){
return null;
List<Integer> commonAncesters=new ArrayList<Integer>();
Integer answer=pathp.get(0);
for(Integer i: pathp){
answer=(int)Math.min(i, answer);
return answer;
lemme know
My suboptimal solution with the same time and space complexity
def lca_on_bst(bst: Node, p: int, q: int) -> int:
def search(node, val, path):
if not node:
return False
if val < node.val:
return search(node.left, val, path)
elif val > node.val:
return search(node.right, val, path)
return True
path_p = []
path_q = []
search(bst, p, path_p)
search(bst, q, path_q)
prev_common_ancestor = None
min_length = min(len(path_p), len(path_q))
for i in range(min_length):
if path_p[i] != path_q[i]:
prev_common_ancestor = path_p[i]
return prev_common_ancestor
I think that this problem should explicitly state that it is a precondition that the values p and q are represented by nodes in the BST.
While I think it may be implicitly understood - the solution requires traversal all the way down to both values to ensure that they exist in the BST if we aren’t granted with certainty that they are in there.
A simpler one and clarity is:
def lca_on_bst(bst,p,q):
if not bst:
return bst
# If either p or q is found, return the node
if bst.val==p or bst.val==q:
return bst.val
# Recursively search for LCA in the left and right subtrees
# If both p and q are found in different subtrees, return the current node as LCA
if left_LCA and right_LCA:
return bst.val
# If one of p or q is found, return that node; otherwise, return the other found LCA
return left_LCA if left_LCA else right_LCA
there is no enough test cases.
for example the following code passes all test cases, even though it is incorrect
if p < bst.val and q < bst.val:
return dfs(bst.left, p, q)
return bst.val