With the knowledge of the prefix sum under our belt, the problem boils down to Two Sum Sorted
This is incorrect. The problem then boils down two sum unsorted
With the knowledge of the prefix sum under our belt, the problem boils down to Two Sum Sorted
This is incorrect. The problem then boils down two sum unsorted
The article says:
prefix_sums = {0: 0}
cur_sum = 0
for i in range(len(arr)):
cur_sum += arr[i]
complement = cur_sum - target
if complement in prefix_sums:
return [prefix_sums[complement], i + 1]
prefix_sums[cur_sum] = i + 1
And then
Note that in the implementation, typically we use `prefix_sum[i]` to denote the sum of elements in `0...i - 1` (rightmost element `i` is not included in the sum
These two statements contradict each other. One is using cur_sum as key, the other is using the index as the key.
Using cur_sum as hashmap key is not a generic template solution, as cur_sum may not be unique.
I am assuming as the owner of this site, you still want to attract new members and buy your service.
But such confusion is not good for this site’s reputation and increasing your income.
Also, the prefix sum template returns an unnecessary zero due to initialization of the prefix sum array that is returned.
Below is an example of what it might look like to remove the zero from the returned array.
def prefix_sum_array(arr):
prefix_sum = []
current_sum = 0
for num in arr:
current_sum += num
return prefix_sum