Word Ladder - Graph / Implicit Graph

see above. if the dictionary gets very large it would be slow. really depends on the size of dictionary vs size of word length. if we look at it from a more realistic case with english words, the max length is quite limited and dictionary can get large.

Wouldn’t the time complexity be O((m+n) * l) ? (Where l is the length of each string)

What about this solution?

def word_ladder(begin: str, end: str, word_list: List[str]) -> int:
    if end not in word_list:
        return -1

    def build_patterns(words: List[str]) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
        patterns = defaultdict(list)
        for word in words:
            for i in range(len(word)):
                pattern = word[:i] + "*" + word[i + 1 :]
        return patterns
    def get_neighbors(word: str, patterns: Dict[str, List[str]]) -> List[str]:
        neighbors = []
        for i in range(len(word)):
            pattern = word[:i] + "*" + word[i + 1 :]
        return neighbors
    steps = 0
    queue = deque([begin])
    visited = set([begin])
    patterns = build_patterns(word_list)

    while queue:
        for _ in range(len(queue)):
            word = queue.popleft()
            if word == end:
                return steps
            for neighbor in get_neighbors(word, patterns):
                if neighbor in visited:

        steps += 1

    return -1

My solution using BFS template,

class Solution:
    def ladderLength(self, beginWord: str, endWord: str, words: List[str]) -> int:
        if endWord not in words: return 0
        wordList = set(words)
        def get_neighbors(pattern):
            res = []
            for c in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
                for i in range(len(pattern)):
                    current_text = pattern[:i] + c + pattern[i+1:]
                    if current_text in wordList:

            return res

        visited = set()
        def bfs(root):
            queue = deque([root])

            while queue:
                pattern, moves = queue.popleft()

                if pattern == endWord: return moves + 1

                for neighbor in get_neighbors(pattern):
                    if neighbor in visited:
                    queue.append((neighbor, moves + 1))
            return 0
        return bfs((beginWord, 0))

from collections import deque, defaultdict

def is_neighbor(word_a, word_b):
    count = 0
    for char_a, char_b in zip(word_a, word_b):
        if char_a != char_b:
            count += 1
    return count == 1

def word_ladder(begin: str, end: str, word_list: List[str]) -> int:
    word_to_neighbors = defaultdict(list)
    for word_a in word_list:
        for word_b in word_list:
            if is_neighbor(word_a, word_b):
    queue = deque([begin])
    steps = 0
    visited = set([begin])
    while queue:
        n = len(queue)
        for _ in range(n):
            word = queue.popleft()
            for neighbor_word in word_to_neighbors[word]:
                if neighbor_word in visited:
                if neighbor_word == end:
                    return steps + 1
        steps += 1
    return -1

Could you elaborate on the time complexity here?
I’m confused as to what m even refers to in this case.

My solution is more efficient as the graph gets build only once and the access to graph is O(1) for read operation

def word_ladder(begin: str, end: str, word_list: List[str]) -> int:
    def build_graph():
        all_chars = [chr(x) for x in range(ord('a'), ord('z') + 1)]
        graph = {x:set() for x in word_list}

        for word, inks_to in graph.items():
            for index, char in enumerate(word):
                for ch in all_chars:
                    other_word = word[:index] + ch + word [index + 1:]
                    if other_word != word and other_word in graph:

        return graph
    graph = build_graph()

    def bfs():
        steps = 0 
        q = deque([begin])
        seen = set([begin])
        while q:
            n = len(q)
            for _ in range(n):
                word = q.popleft()
                if word == end:
                    return steps
                linked_words = graph[word]
                for linked_word in linked_words:
                    if linked_word in seen:
            steps += 1
        return -1    
    return bfs()