Autocomplete - Advanced Data Structures / Trie

its possible to solve it during the insert operation into the trie and without keeping frequencies:

class TrieNode():
    def __init__(self, c="$"):
        self.c = c
        self.children = {}

    def insert(self, word, i=0):
        # mink is the minimum depth at which the word can be autocompleted
        mink = math.inf
        if word[i] not in self.children:
            # if we inserted a new path in the trie
            # this could be the minimum depth to reach this word
            mink = i
            self.children[word[i]] = TrieNode(word[i])
        if i == len(word)-1:
            # if the paths to this word already existed
            # the point of insertion could be the minimum depth
            mink = i
            # the minimum depth could be somewhere down the trie
            mink = min(mink, self.children[word[i]].insert(word, i+1))
        return mink

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.c

def autocomplete(words: List[str]) -> int:
    trie = TrieNode()
    mink = 0
    for word in words:
        mink += 1+trie.insert(word)
    return mink

“Once the frequency becomes 1 we know that there is only 1 word left in this branch of the trie so we can stop searching”, but in the solution example when adding ‘hill’, every node on that path already had a freq of 2, right? (Looking at the last and second last slide of the explanation). It appears that if every node has freq of 2 on the trie path of a word, the given algorithm just returns the length of the full word, but then in that case couldn’t multiple words have the same shortcut? For example for test case #4, do words ‘aaaaa’ and ‘a’, both have ‘a’ as their shortcut, since they both add 1 to the count or am I mistaken?

I can’t figure out if my solution is correct, all tests are passed, but still have doubts.

class Node:
def init(self):
self.children = {}
self.is_completed = False

def autocomplete(words: List[str]) → int:
root = Node()
result = 0

for word in words:
    curr = root
    steps = 0
    for char in word:
        steps += 1
        if char not in curr.children:
            if steps != -1:
                result += steps
                steps = -1
            curr.children[char] = Node()
        curr = curr.children[char]
    curr.is_completed = True
    if steps != -1:
        result += steps

return result

The solution is wrong in that we need to first insert all the words, then call query() for each of the words.

Currently it’s calling query after inserting each word.