There’s a problem of the answer of test case 1, it should be 5 instead of 2. As node 2 had two children 4 and 5, it is not a leave node.
the question doesn’t explicitly state it but you should return the depth, not the node itself
we could also keep track of the depth in the q itself
q = deque([[root, 0]])
while q:
node, level = q.popleft()
if not node.left and not node.right:
return level
if node.left:
q.append([node.left, level + 1])
if node.right:
q.append([node.right, level + 1])
for any go people:
type NodeQueue []Node
func (q *NodeQueue) Enqueue(n Node) {
*q = append(*q, n)
func (q *NodeQueue) Dequeue() Node {
el := (*q)[0]
*q = (*q)[1:]
return el
func isLeafNode(n Node) bool {
if n.left == nil && n.right == nil {
return true
return false
func binaryTreeMinDepth(root *Node) int {
result := 0
if root == nil {
return result
var q NodeQueue
for len(q) > 0 {
size := len(q)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
current := q.Dequeue()
if isLeafNode(current) {
return result
if current.left != nil {
if current.right != nil {
return result
Could you at least better explain the output of the problem?
I want to try it myself without looking at the solution, but there’s barely anything…
Did you look at the picture? They want us to look for the smallest depth of a branch of the tree. If you been following in order you should have seen a tree section where it explains all the definition.
Is the final return depth
needed? The early return should catch all cases right?
def binary_tree_min_depth(root: Node) -> int:
if not root:
return 0
level = 0
queue = deque([root])
while queue:
for _ in range(len(queue)):
node = queue.popleft()
if not all([node.left, node.right]):
return level
if node.left:
if node.right:
level += 1
return level
Simpler Javascript Solution
function binaryTreeMinDepth(root) {
if(!root) return 0;
const q = [root];
let level = -1;
const numNodes = q.length;
level = level + 1;
for(let i = 0; i < numNodes; i++){
const node = q.shift();
if(!node.left && !node.right) return level;
if(node.left) q.push(node.left);
if(node.right) q.push(node.right);
return level;
Needs more test cases, my incorrect solution passed, my mistake was checking that any child is None, not the both of them (the definition of a leaf)