Java Basic Data Structures - Getting Started / Basic Data Structures

please add c# …

Can you add C# Basic Data Structures too?

Isn’t append for LinkedList using the structure listed below O(N) because you need to traverse through the entire linked list to find the last item, then append to it.

append to end is O(1) is wrong

I second the motion to please add C# Basic Data Structures. Thank you!

This Article should be very old, Java has LinkedList, Stack, LinkedHashMap, TreeMap and such and such which are very essential for solving algorithm, please review this article.

Nobody uses Java Seriously, next!!!

I like these jokes on Java…
So let’s name a few “Nobody” companies: Google, Apple, Amazon, LinkedIn, big and startup-size FinTech companies, even Microsoft… links below.

Is this correct? I want to know before committing this article to memory

Basically you will maintain a “tail” pointer to record the last element in a linked list, so appending to the end is O(1).
However, removing the last element in a linked list is different. It depends on whether you use a singly linked list or a doubly linked list.
For singly linked list, you need to traverse to find the second last element and remove the last one since you can’t traverse back directly from tail which results in O(n).
For doubly linked list, you can “traverse back” from tail pointer to get second last element, so it is O(1).