Maximal Square - Dynamic Programming / Grid

the default value for a int array is 0. so need for the else block. Also we can check for index i or j is 0 and simply assign it to 1 instead of looping 3 times.

public static int maximalSquare(char[][] matrix) {
    int dp [][] = new int [matrix.length][matrix[0].length];
    int max = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<dp.length;i++){
        for(int j=0;j<dp[0].length;j++){
            if(matrix[i][j] == '1'){
                if(i == 0 || j == 0){
                    dp[i][j] = 1;    
                }else {
                    dp[i][j] = Math.min(dp[i-1][j-1], Math.min(dp[i-1][j], dp[i][j-1])) + 1;
                max = Math.max(max, dp[i][j]);
    return max * max;

Space optimized to O(cols):

    var rows = m.length + 1;
    var cols = m[0].length + 1;
    var max = 0;

    var dp = new int[cols];
    var prevTopLeft = 0;
    for (int r = 1; r < rows; r++) {
        for (int c = 1; c < cols; c++) {
            var current = dp[c];
            if (m[r - 1][c - 1] == '1') {
                dp[c] = Math.min(Math.min(dp[c], dp[c - 1]), prevTopLeft) + 1;
                max = Math.max(max, dp[c]);
            else {
                dp[c] = 0;
            prevTopLeft = current;

    return max * max;

In the above diagram dp[r][c-1] = 2 and dp[r-1][c] =2
so the side length of bottom right cell dp[r][c] = min(2, 2, 1)+1 = 2

the bottom right above cell will be 2

Please correct me if I am wrong …I am bit confused with the above graphical explanation.

I agree. The graphical explanation got confusing after the 4th slide. Can you please clarify the explanation?

doesnt the code that says #fill top row actually fill the leftmost column? We are iterating through the rows and staying at column 0 in the code. Vice versa for the code thats for filling the leftmost column

Very complicated explanation… I’m still confused.

Any suggestion on this top down solution?

int dfs(int m, int n, vector<vector<int>> & matrix, vector<vector<int>> & memo, int & best) {
    if(m < 0 || n < 0) return 0;
    if(memo[m][n] != 0){
        return memo[m][n];

    int row = dfs(m-1, n, matrix, memo, best);
    int col = dfs(m, n-1, matrix, memo, best);
    int dia = dfs(m-1, n-1, matrix, memo, best);

        memo[m][n] = 1 + min(min(row, col), dia);

    best = max(best, memo[m][n]);

    return memo[m][n];