Open the Lock - Graph / Implicit Graph

i’m interested if we need a bfs_map at all. i feel that we can just use regular visited set() and then to keep track of how many steps use a steps/level variable that is either kept in the queue as a tuple (step, combo_number) or just is a variable incremented after exploring the entire queue’s current nodes. i feel that might be more in line with previous solutions, but an explanation of why you do this would be interesting! i was just most confused why you would do bfs_map[top] + 1 because using a hashmap implies that we might need to quickly look up the steps for this specific combo once again? but we only ever each combo once right :o

We can start regular BFS with visited initialized to trapped_combos and “0000”. For this problem, we need to avoid trapped_combos, since we already avoid visited, we can combine into one.

We can simplify the logic for “rotating” to single function, with +1 and -1 offsets. Neighbors will be forward_combos + backward_combos.

The solution is definitely not neat…

Made your proposed alternate solution below. It’s a modified version of this submission on LC, edited for readability:

from typing import List
from collections import deque

def num_steps(combo: str, trapped_combos: List[str]) → int:

# we can solve the problem of integer rollover
# by using the % operator with 10.
def get_next_combos(src):
    res = []
    for i, digit in enumerate(src):
        num = int(digit)
        res.append(src[:i] + str((num - 1) % 10) + src[i+1:])
        res.append(src[:i] + str((num + 1) % 10) + src[i+1:])
    return res

visited, queue = set(trapped_combos), deque(['0000'])
depth = -1
while queue:
    size = len(queue)
    depth += 1
    for _ in range(size):
        cur_combo = queue.popleft()
        if cur_combo == combo: 
            return depth
        if cur_combo in visited: 
return -1

Where did you get 10^4 as the time complexity?

// Implementation in Javascript
function numSteps(combo, trappedCombos) {
function getNeighbors(combo) {
let a = combo.split(‘’).map(x => parseInt(x, 10));
let res = [];
let delta = [1,-1];
for (let i=0; i<4; i++) {
for (let j=0; j<delta.length; j++) {
let temp = a[i];
a[i] = (a[i] + delta[j] + 10)%10;
if (!trappedCombos.includes(a.join(‘’))) res.push(a.join(‘’));
a[i]=temp; // Resetting the value;
return res;

let visited = new Set(['0000']);
let queue = ['0000'];
let steps = -1;
while (queue.length) {
    let n = queue.length;
    for (let i=0; i<n; i++) {
        let node = queue.shift();
        if (node === combo) return steps;
        for (let x of getNeighbors(node)) {
            if (visited.has(x)) continue;
return -1;    


Yo, I am amazed by the bfs_map part in the solution.

I initially come up with a solution that use BFS with kind of a level order search (8 states per level) and keep a variable steps = 0 and increase by 1 for every level. I got all answers correct except test case 3 which was time limit exceeded. After I change my visited set to a visited dictionary (bfs_map in the solution) I passed test case 3.

Can someone explain to me why doing addition of steps for every state and save the results in a hashmap is faster than I just keep a variable and do the addition of steps per level? I know taking a value from hashmap cost O(1) time but it seems to me that there are much more work to be done compare to just keeping a step variable.

FYI - I followed the ‘getting neighbors’ pattern to keep the coding style consistent with previous questions

    def get_nbs(comb: str):
        res = []
        for i in range(4):
            k = int(comb[i])
            k += 1
            if k > 9:
                k = 0
            s = comb[0:i] + str(k) + comb[i+1:]
            k = int(comb[i])
            k -= 1
            if k < 0:
                k = 9
            s = comb[0:i] + str(k) + comb[i+1:]
        #print(f"nbs of {comb}: {res}")
        return res
    q = deque(["0000"])
    steps_map = {"0000": 0}
    trapped_combos_set = set(trapped_combos)
    while len(q) > 0:
        qlen = len(q)
        for _ in range(qlen):
            prev = q.popleft()
            for nb in get_nbs(prev):
                if nb not in trapped_combos_set and nb not in steps_map:
                    steps_map[nb] = steps_map[prev] + 1
                    if nb == combo:
                        return steps_map[nb]
    return -1

How come algomonster throws an error when trying to pass a string to the funtion below? Running this in an ipython console works as intended with no errors whatsoever.

    def get_neighbors(combo):
        res = []
        for i in range(4):
            k = int(combo[i])
            if k + 1 > 9:
                s1 = combo[0:i] + '0' + combo[i + 1:]
                s1 = combo[0:i] + str(k + 1) + combo[i + 1:]
            if k - 1 < 0:
                s2 = combo[0:i] + '9' + combo[i + 1:]
                s2 = combo[0:i] + str(k - 1) + combo[i + 1:]
        return res

The error is below:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 44, in <module>
    res = num_steps(combo, trapped_combos)
  File "", line 31, in num_steps
    for neighbor in get_neighbors(node):
  File "", line 13, in get_neighbors
    s1 = combo[0:i] + '0' + combo[i + 1:]
TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "str") to list

I’d also like to know this. It doesn’t seem to make sense.

My solution without a dictionary


def get_neighbors(num):
    res = []
    for i in range(4):
        next_digit = int(num[i]) + 1
        if next_digit > 9:
            next_digit = 0
        prev_digit = int(num[i]) - 1
        if prev_digit < 0:
            prev_digit = 9
        next_num = num[:i] + str(next_digit) + num[i+1:]
        prev_num = num[:i] + str(prev_digit) + num[i+1:]
    return res
if combo == "0000":
    return 0

q = deque(["0000"])
trap_set = set(trapped_combos)
visited = set(["0000"])
tests = 0
while q:
    for _ in range(len(q)):
        test_combo = q.popleft()
        if combo == test_combo:
            return tests
        for nbr in get_neighbors(test_combo):
            if nbr in visited or nbr in trap_set:
    tests += 1
return -1

Solution that I found to be more readable:

def rotate(combo, index, amount):
copy = [int(x) for x in combo]
digit = copy[index] + amount
if digit > 9:
copy[index] = 0
elif digit < 0:
copy[index] = 9
copy[index] = digit
return ‘’.join([str(x) for x in copy])

def num_steps(target: str, traps: List[str]) → int:
q = deque([“0000”])
visited = {}
steps = 0
while len(q) > 0:
n = len(q)
for _ in range(n):
current = q.popleft()
if current in visited:
visited[current] = True
if current in traps:
if current == target:
return steps

        for rotate_index in range(4):
            q.append(rotate(current, rotate_index, 1))
            q.append(rotate(current, rotate_index, -1))
    steps += 1
return -1

why do we keep track of steps for each combo in a dictionary? wouldn’t increasing “step” variable after each “level” be simpler and more memory efficient? In the end we are interested only in the minimum number of steps for a single combination? \

moreover, we could initialise “visited” set with prohibited combinations and have a single check: new_combo in visited instead of splitting it for already vistited and prohibited combos \

My solution: \

def num_steps(target_combo: str, trapped_combos: List[str]) → int:
def get_neighbours(combo):
for i in range(4):
yield combo[0:i] + str((int(combo[i]) + 1) % 10) + combo[i+1:]
yield combo[0:i] + str((int(combo[i]) - 1) % 10) + combo[i+1:]

seed = "0000"

visited = set(trapped_combos)
q = deque([seed])
steps = 0

while len(q) > 0:
    for _ in range(len(q)):
        combo = q.popleft()
        if combo == target_combo:
            return steps
        for n in get_neighbours(combo):
            if n in visited:
    steps += 1

return -1
1 Like

mine implementation (comment above) using a visited set and steps update after each level passes all tests

Why do we need to turn the trapped_combos into a set? can’t we just leave it as a list, since we’re only checking if a combo is in it?

OH its because, to check the existence of an item in a SET can be done in O(1) time whereas in a LIST its O(n)

from typing import List
from collections import deque

def num_steps(target_combo: str, trapped_combos: List[str]) → int:
# 1- each code have 8 neighber (4 forward and 4 backworld)
# 2- get_neighbor from each case above
# 3- bfs to determine the min number of digit change to unlock
# need to parse all element in the bfs’queue to process
# entire level inoredr to increment the steps by 1

def get_neighbor(combo):   
    for i in range(4):
        yield combo[0:i] + str((int(combo[i]) + 1) % 10) + combo[i+1:]
        yield combo[0:i] + str((int(combo[i]) - 1) % 10) + combo[i+1:]
def bfs(target_combo, trapped_combos):
    visited = set(trapped_combos)
    start = "0000"
    Try_nums = 0
    q = deque([start])                           
    while len(q):
        for _ in range(len(q)):
            combo = q.popleft()
            if combo == target_combo:
                return Try_nums
            for nieghbor in get_neighbor(combo):
                if nieghbor in visited:
        Try_nums += 1
    # Can't open it without triggering the trap                  
    return -1
return bfs(target_combo, trapped_combos)

Can someone help please:

I just realized that when I finish a problem and click on the “Mark as Completed” button. My code/my Solution it disrepair from “Try it yourself” Does any one facing this? and I can we recover our solution that we did for previous exercises ?

Thank you